That´s exactly the behaviour kiddies like tristan showing all the time. It´s funny that he would not take notice of chase view drivers in a race. All you can hear are silly and stupid explainings about realism. Dump reasons like "chase view drivers see the corners first" and crap like this. We are not driving an unknown highway, we drive circuits. If you drove a circuit track several laps you know the corners and you don´t have to see the edge of the corner. All he can do is insulting people. Very_ends grammar is bad and I don´t know about race cars. Fine. If it helps him getting an erection....
Your just a silly person with know-it-all-attitude. I should knew it before I posted here. It´s always the same with tc. Impossible to discuss with you. Get a life .. no ... get a girl "racecardriver".
Can you please stop that totally silly realism discussion?
Major fact is that we sitting in front of a monitor, using a machine that only knows 0 and I and that machine creats a feeling of driving around.
I don´t speak in a car by pressing the left CTRL-key, I do not calibrate my wheel in the car everytime i want to drive. Last time I hit the wall on the road I did not SHIFT+S because I was dead and so on. It´s a damn computer program, nothing else. So leave me alone with that stupid realism discussion. If you don´t want to drive in chase view - fine - just don´t do it and shut up! I don´t like cockpit view and I don´t care what others do. Even tire view is fine for me if I can have nice close races with them.
Sometimes I´m thinking all the chase view haters think we have a advantage and that is maybe the reason to ban this view.
edit: View discussion and oval discussion sounds the same sometimes...Ovaaaaaal
Sorry but some (IMO) over enthousistic mod already closed the thread before I can ask what I want to.
1. After this huge overtake yesterday - is my lfs account still save?
2. After I found a website where people explain how to crash servers - when will this be fixed? In Patch Y? When will it come? Today? Tomorrow? Or even next year?
A friend of mine uses that thing to steer his car in lfs because he is in a wheelchair/bed and is only able to move his head. But how can this gadget simulate a look to the side? You turn your head and still have to look to the monitor in front of you? Sounds kind of silly/unrealistic to me.
IRL a car just reflects the world a few minutes/hours after washing. You will get dust on your car just by driving around. Then it´s over with the reflections. I can tell.
Compare this pic to the pics from the games. Supercar irl without blingbling reflections. Sun was shining like mad. [FM]R1 & [FM]Torben´s joyride^^